Tuesday 20 October 2009

Do I want to be photographed with a giant egg?

I have a dilemma... Tomorrow there's a launch event for the RSPCA's Freedom Food "Simply Ask" campaign, which wants to get people asking about the provenance of their food when eating out - starting with eggs. Currently 80% of eggs used in the food service sector are from battery hens and the RSPCA obviously wants to change this, so has organised a photo-op for MPs with a giant egg, which they will be asked to sign.

I'm around in Parliament when it's happening and my diary is clear. However....

Do I follow the practice of previous years - this is an annual campaign in various permutations -and decide that as a vegan I shouldn't promote eating something I don't eat? Or should I opt for the 'lesser of two evils' approach and encourage people to opt for free range because it's better than battery farming? Decisions, decisions...


Steven_L said...

What's going to stop them lying about where their eggs come from?

Alasdair said...

Hrm. That *is* an interesting dilemma.

I guess the question is whether you're promoting people eating eggs or promoting people treating animals better than they normally would. I'd say in this case, it's the latter, and therefore okay.

Then again, I speak as somebody who has absolutely no moral qualms about tucking into big slab of steak...

seebag said...

Gosh it's tough at the top.

Remember Remember said...

You could stop being a Vegan instead of not posing with the egg.
If you realise that eating less meat only results in less animals being born in the first place, and not being given a chance to live, of course...
Most farm animals have good lives.

TheBoilingFrog said...

Your name isn't listed on the Simply Ask website so I guess you decided against?