Friday 4 September 2009

Plymouth by-election result

There was a local council by-election in Plymouth yesterday, in a seat Labour had previously held with a slim majority of 49. And the result... cue drum roll.... Labour 1243, Tories 676 - a Labour majority of 567. Congratulations to Plymouth's newest councillor, Tina Tuohy - a fantastic result!


Anonymous said...

Brilliant result for Ham Estate. I lived there for almost 20 years and attended the ward's primary school.

Well done Tina!

Working Class Tory said...

I notice a couple of things about this election.

Firstly, the LibDems vote went down, as well as the Conservative one, meaning less people are being fooled by them - good for all parties.

Secondly, the BNP secured more votes than the increase of Labour's vote. That is to say Labour won an increase of 2.7%, and the BNP won 2.9% of the vote. The BNP, as usual, coming out of nowhere in Labour territory.

Thirdly, our vote went down by 15.7%, and UKIP's went up by 15.6%. This shows that you haven't actually converted any Tories, they've actually just gone further to the right. They will still vote Tory at the general, and they are probably still Tories at heart.