Sunday 28 June 2009

What they're saying about Michael Jackson in the Dog and Duck

Is this the most pretentious article ever published in the Guardian?

"Nor was his whiteness just a question of skin tone. Think of his eyes and nose. Then think of the very word "eye", as it's printed on this page in lower-case letters. If ever there existed a word that was an ideogrammatic, visually ­onomatopoeic mise en abyme, then that word is "eye". What does it resemble if not a pair of heavy-lidded eyes, ­forming a minute isosceles triangle with the dainty skewwhiff nose of the "y", a nose uncannily like Jackson's own? Again, I say (and despite the fact that it gave rise to as much mockery as Cyrano's ­tumescent ­schnozzle), I thought it as pretty a nose as a putto's in a Tiepolo altarpiece."


Fred Trellis said...

They are clearly intoxicated with the exuberance of their own verbosity.

Not to mention as mad as a box of frogs.

Old Holborn said...

I've read worse by Polly Toynbee